It is founded by members of the present bylaws, an association governed by the law of
l July 1901 and the Decree of 16 August 1901, entitled

ARTICLE 2: Purpose

The Association aims to enable its members to meet, discover the valley of the ARVAN, its people, its traditions, crafts, folklore, mountains, and sports related thereto, in respect of this valley the ARVAN, its people, their traditions and customs.
To this end, the Association organizes the occupation and animation chalet "the ARVAN" located at a place called "In Tignes» St JEAN D 'ARVES (73530)

ARTICLE 2 Bis: Objectives

The Association's objective is to promote, through various means (tariffs, participation in, etc.). Holidays in the mountains disadvantaged families or having in their midst a disabled person.

The head office is set in St Pierre des Corps (37700), 85 avenue de la République. It may be transferred by decision of the Board of Directors. Ratification by the next General Assembly will be required.

ARTICLE 4: Composition
The Association consists of:
- Founding Members
- Honorary Members
- Active Members
- Members Users.

ARTICLE 5: Members of the Association
5.1 Founding Members
Founding members are at the origin of the Association. Within these Founding Members are including people who participated in the purchase of the cottage, and allow their loans by the project.

5.2 Honorary Members
Awarded by the Board of Directors to a person who has rendered important services to the Association.

5.3 - Active Members
Member for Assets, must make, on a regular basis, services to the Association and be approved by the Board of Directors.
Requests are made in writing and signed by the applicant.
Active membership is lost, for cessation of regular services, decision of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall be final.
5.4 - Users Members
Users Members are:
- Or families
- Or groups,
- Either individual
wishing to take advantage of holidays in the mountains. Their number is unlimited.
Users Members participate in neither the administration nor the elections. They have no vote in the General Meetings.
ARTICLE 6: Contributions
The contribution amount is set each year by the General Assembly.
Only Founding Members and Honorary Members are not subject to compulsory contributions.
ARTICLE 7: Resignation, radiation
Membership of the Association is lost by:
- Resignation by registered letter addressed to the Board of Directors.
- Death
- Radiation, decided by the Board of Directors,
* Or right to non payment of dues by those who are bound.
* Or for cause (including behavior that may harm or the Association, dishonest to the Association or any of its members, etc..
The applicant (s) has been invited (e) to appear before the Board for
provide explanations.
ARTICLE 8: Resources and Heritage
8.1: Resources
The resources of the Association consist
- Contributions of its members,
- Grants which may be granted
- Voluntary contributions,
- Products of festivals and other events
- Amounts paid for services provided by the Association,
- Any resource, any input and produces generally and not prohibited by any law.
8.2: Heritage
8.2.1: Movable Heritage
Movable Heritage Association consists of:
* Cash, cash included bank accounts or books Caisse d'Epargne, are placed in financial institutions on the decision of the Board of Directors.
* Materials, equipment and facilities necessary for the purpose and operation of the Association.
8.2.2. : Heritage Real Estate
The real estate of the Association consists of shares of SCI ARVAN, homeowner. The Association may acquire all or part of the premises or land estimated useful in achieving the goals and objectives set out in Articles 2 and 2a of this Constitution.

8.3: Responsibilities
Heritage Association meets alone commitments on its behalf. No member of the Association can not be held responsible.

ARTICLE 9: Administration

9.1 - Board of Directors
The Association is administered by a Board of nine members elected by the General Assembly for three years by renewed & third each year. Retiring members may be reappointed.
The first year, the outgoing members shall be chosen by lot.
9.2: Bureau
The Board of Directors shall elect from among its members an Executive Committee composed of:
- A (e) President (e)
- A (e) Vice - President (e)
- A (e) Secretary
- A (e) Deputy Secretary (e)
- A (e) Treasurer (e)
- A (e) Treasurer (e) Adjoint (e)
9.3: Role of Officers
The Office is specially invested with the following powers

The Chairman directs the work of the Board and ensures the functioning of the Association that represents justice and in all acts of civil life. He may delegate, on the advice of the Board, its powers to another member of the Council.
In his absence, the Vice-President shall replace the President.
The Secretary is responsible for all matters relating to correspondence, including sending various notices. He writes the minutes of the meetings, as the Board of Directors that Shareholders and ensures transcription of the registers provided for this purpose.
It is he who keeps the register under the Act of 1 July 1901.
The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Association. He is assisted by all accepted accounting required. It makes all payments and receives all revenue under the supervision of the President.
He keeps a regular accountancy, day by day, all operations in both revenue and expenses, and reports to the General Assembly which decides on its management.
Vacancy: If a vacancy occurs, the Council provides temporary replacement of its members. He proceeded to their final replacement by the next General Assembly. The powers of the members so elected shall expire at the time would normally expire the term of the replaced member.
9.4: Auditors
Accounts held by the Treasurer shall be audited annually by two auditors. They are elected for one year. They must submit to the Ordinary General Meeting called to approve the financial statements, a written report on the audit process. The auditors may not perform any function within the Board of Directors.
Article 10: Meetings of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors meets at least once per quarter, convened by the President or at the request of half of its members.
It can validly deliberate in the presence (physical or mandate) half of its members. Each adviser may have more than one term. If this quorum is not reached, a second meeting is scheduled within 8 days. The Council may deliberate whatever the number present.
Decisions are taken by majority vote. In case of a tie, a new vote is made. In case of a tie vote, the President becomes predominant.
The deliberations of the Board are recorded in a register of Minutes and signed by the President and the Secretary.
Any Board member who, without reasonable excuse, fails to attend three consecutive meetings may be deemed to have resigned.

ARTICLE 11: General Meetings
General Meetings bring together all members of the Association entitled to vote, namely:
- Founding Members
- Honorary Members
- Active Members
User Members may attend meetings in an advisory capacity.
11.1: Annual General Meeting

It meets at least once a year and whenever it is convened by the Board of Directors.
Fifteen days before the date fixed, the members of the Association shall be convened by the President. The agenda must appear on the invitation.
The General Assembly can only validly deliberate result of the call, if half plus one of all members with deliberative see is this. Members have the right to be represented by giving a written proxy to another member of the same class (one to each member).
In case this quota is not reached at the first meeting, a second General Assembly must be convened within fifteen days. This meeting may validly deliberate regardless of the number present.
The President, assisted by members of the Bureau chairs the Assembly and exposes the moral situation of the association. The Treasurer shall report on its management and submits the report to the Assembly for approval, after hearing the Statutory Auditors.
After exhaustion of the agenda, it shall be filled by secret ballot, Council Members and Auditors;
All decisions of the Annual General Meeting shall be taken by absolute majority of the voting members present (or represented by another member with a written power of attorney), by show of hands. However, the ballot may be requested either by the Board or by any member present and entitled to vote, and in this case, voting is required.
11.2 Extraordinary General Meeting
If necessary, or at the request of half plus one of the voting members, the President may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, following the rules laid down in Article 11.
The General Assembly is of an extraordinary character when deciding on any changes to such statutes. It may decide to dissolve and the allocation of the assets of the Association or the Association fusion with the same goals.
Extraordinary General Meeting, it shall be decided by a majority of three quarters of the voting members present or represented.
ARTICLE 12: Rules of Procedure
Rules of procedure are established by the Board of Directors. This regulation must be approved by the General Assembly. It is intended to fix various points not provided for in these statutes.

ARTICLE 13: Settlement occupancy of the chalet
Settlement occupancy of the chalet is established by the Board of Directors. This regulation requires all occupants of the cottage.
Article 14: Dissolution
In case of dissolution of the Association decided by an Extraordinary General Meeting, the persons or bodies who made loans to the Association are paid in priority according to the terms of contracts between the parties.
The General Assembly appoints one or more liquidators. The remaining assets is vested by them in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the law of l July 1901 and the Decree of 16 August 1901.

Statutes established January 18, 1984
The modified 30/09/85 and 07/06/86
by the Extraordinary General Meeting